It’s that time of year again. January the 1st is just around the corner and you’re probably thinking of your New Year’s resolution goals. It’s only natural!
It’s a little daunting and exciting all at once. A whole 365 days to start fresh and re-evaluate your life choices. But let’s be real, in theory, you’ve got it all planned out, in practice not so much.
Making abrupt lifestyle changes to create a better version of yourself in no easy task and that’s why we fail to see our New Year’s resolution goals through.
You need to set yourself practical and achievable goals for the coming year to make consistent lifestyle habits.
And remember, progress isn’t the same for everyone, plus, what is it they say? Rome wasn’t built in a day! So set yourself goals and follow them through with focus and intent one goal at a time.
Because of this, I created this list of 50 achievable New year’s resolution ideas to help you create a healthier, happier and better life. It’s time to bring a little more joy and prosperity to your 2023!
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50 achievable New Year's resolution goals
1. Drink more water
You’re probably bored of hearing this but drinking more water truly is the ultimate wellness goal you should aim for. Keeping yourself hydrated daily is the key to maintaining proper body function.
Related post: 12 simple and intuitive ways to drink more water every day
2. Eat healthier
This year, don’t be fooled by all the diet fads! Start creating healthy lifestyle habits instead. You need to learn to eat better, not less.
Add more wholesome produce to your meals, start juicing and making smoothies, gradually cut back on sugar and junk food or find healthier alternatives. If life has taught us anything it’s, restricting yourself isn’t going to provide consistency!
3. Walk more
Choosing to walk more is a small change with big results. The simple act of walking helps to increase your heart rate, keep you active and is better for the environment.
You don’t have to walk miles on end, a half an hour walk daily, taking the stairs and walking to nearby distances is plenty enough. Try adding a step counter to track and encourage you to take those few extra steps!
4. Keep a journal
Writing down your thoughts and feelings is the perfect way to make sense of them. Keeping a journal helps you to practice gratitude, daily reflection, clear your mind and see what areas in your life you need improving. Try the 5 Minute Journal to truly feel the benefits on a deeper level.
Related post: How to journal 101 tips.
5. Practice mindfulness
Get into the habit of living more in the present moment and opening the door to self-acceptance by practising mindfulness. You can sit still and in silence for 10 minutes a day or meditate to improve focus, attentiveness and become more aware of your surroundings and thoughts.
6. Get active and stay in shape
Though losing weight seems to be one of the more popular New Year’s resolution goals, I like to think simply making the intention to get into shape is much better. Making an abrupt change to lose weight adds pressure, stress and opens doors of relapse. Instead, just naturally open yourself to the idea of getting active to stay in shape.
Yes, you can join the gym, but not many people stick to that commitment. Try walking more and doing gentle exercises at home for better and more consistent results that last longer.
7. Start a daily to-do list
To-do lists are the perfect little companion to help set, encourage and achieve your goals and productivity for the day. It may not seem like much, but the power of visually seeing your to-dos for the day and the satisfaction of ticking them off one by one might surprise you!
8. Adopt eco-friendly practices
Do your bit for the environment this year and become eco-aware. Simple decisions can have a huge impact. A great starting point is removing single use plastic from your life, recycling and composting. Remember, every little helps!
9. Create a skincare routine
You skin stays with you for a whole life time so show it the tender loving care it deserves. Assess your skins needs, adopt a skincare regime and commit to it. Make this year the year you get skin serious and your skin will thrive!
10. Make your bed every morning
This simple 5 minute morning routine is perfect for setting you up for the day and ticking off an accomplishment before you’ve even started on your to-do list for the day!
11. Stretch every morning
Do a light 5-10 minute stretch every morning to help boost blood flow, loosen your muscle tension and prepare your joints for the days hustle. Your body will thank you for this!
12. Clear out clutter
As the saying goes, a cluttered space is a cluttered mind and it’s 100% true. It can cause stress and lack of focus to name just a few.
Be it your home, car or bag, start decluttering your space more often and you’ll be surprised at how good it will make you feel.
13. Create a cleaning schedule
Let’s be real, we can’t get away from cleaning even if we wanted to. Some people hate it, some people love it. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, create a consistent cleaning schedule that fits into your lifestyle.
How about doing a light, quick clean daily, deep clean every week and once a month, bring out the big boys!
14. Commit to a healthy sleep routine
Commit to a healthy sleep routine and your biological clock will naturally pick up on it.
Put down your devices, prep for your evening routine, get to bed earlier and wake up bright and early the next day. I guarantee you’ll feel more energised, focused and in a good mood throughout the day!
15. Call your loved ones more
In a time where texting is the new breathing, make the habit of calling your loved ones more often. It’s a much more personal and intimate way of showing them just how much you care and are thinking of them.
16. Read more books
Take moments to escape the chaos of reality and make it a goal to read a new book once a month. Reading is a powerful brain stimulator and just like the rest of your body, the brain needs all the exercise it can get!
17. Start doing breathing exercises
Breathing might be as natural as natural gets but BREATHING is an art form! Taking slower and deeper breaths isn’t some made up health conspiracy, it actually works to build focus, calm and release stress. This guide has some amazing breathing techniques if you’re unsure where to start.
18. Allow yourself moments of rest
For some people it can be a little difficult to switch off and take a break every now and again. But resting is the perfect way to reset and increase productivity. Make rest a priority on your New Year’s resolution goals and everything will balance itself naturally.
19. Be more organised
Life can get pretty hectic sometimes and a little more organisation is the key to loosening the burden. Whether it’s your home or inbox, keeping things organised at all times will make it easier to work through all the noise.
20. Find a healthy life balance
Create a work/life balance that meets ALL your needs. And if your current work situation doesn’t allow it, perhaps it’s time to reshuffle and invest your energy elsewhere.
21. Get into cooking more
If you like takeaways and eating out often it’s time to up your cooking game. Preparing meals from scratch is much more fun and satisfying. And if you’re trying to be more health conscious, you’ll know exactly what’s going into your food.
22. Keep plants around the house
In need of a little more calm, health and happiness in your home this year? Than bring nature indoors to you!
Keeping fresh house plants around your home is amazing for your overall wellbeing not to mention both inspiring and beautiful to look at. Here are some of the best houseplants to keep if you’re new to it all.
23. Create a space of zen
Your home is your sanctuary and it should echo the epitome of relaxation. But creating a designated area dedicated to more downtime wouldn’t hurt.
Use this space of zen to meditate, read a book, journal, get lost in your thoughts or whatever brings you some much needed peace.
24. Stimulate your mind
Good riddance to “too cool for school” because schooling yourself is the new hype. Awaken the nerd in you this year. I’m talking documentaries, books, quizzes, the whole lot. Give your brain the workout it deserves!
25. Spend more time outdoors
The fresh air, an uplift to your mood, the spring in your step, there’s much to be said about the great outdoors (even if it is just your garden). Spend more time outdoors and you’ll notice a change in your mental and physical wellness in no time!
26. Take a social media break
Social media can be quite a toxic environment and it’s here to stay. It’s so easy to mindlessly scroll through your feed and (sometimes) question your worth.
Make this year the year you take back control.
Take regular social media breaks to improve your mental health and increase selflove. And if you’re a regular social media user, turn it into a more positive experience by following accounts that inspire and better you.
27. Limit your screen time
It’s become so natural to reach for our devices at every given chance. But all that screen time can hugely decrease productivity, mood and overall wellbeing.
This year try taking a few hours each day without checking your devices or summon your willpower and go device free once per week.
However, when using your devices (because let’s be real, it’s a struggle to keep away) it might be worth investing in a pair of blue light blocking glasses to protect your eyes.
28. Wear sunscreen every single day
Yep that’s right, suncreen is your skins all year round bestie! Contrary to popular belief, the suns UV rays can still penetrate your skin even during the winter. Get into the habit of wearing SPF every day to keep your skin protected and healthy.
29. Create a morning and evening self-care routine
You don’t have to go into full blown “that girl” routine but a simple daily morning and evening routine does wonders for you. Add a few things from this New Year’s resolution goals list and you’ll have created a self-care routine fit for a queen!
30. Watch more sunrises and sunsets
Watching sunrises and sunsets is super soul satisfying and exactly what you need to soothe your spirit daily. It’s one of natures most beautiful displays and it’s totally free! If you can’t do both, try do one a day and get lost in the moment.
31. Learn a new language
If you’re a fan of traveling and learning about cultures, try learning a new language this year. It’s the perfect challenge to set yourself and broaden your horizons. And if you don’t know where to start, this app is more than enough to get you talking like a true local.
Related post: Best language learning app – Babbel review
32. Explore and travel more
From road trips to spontaneous trips away, there’s a big world out there and adventure is calling! So get out there and make it your mission to travel more. Jump on my travel page to help inspire your next destination.
33. Try new experiences
Get out of your protective bubble and try new experiences!
From something as simple as trying out a new recipe to something a little more complex like doing a hike, grab every opportunity to challenge yourself this year!
34. Go on friend dates
Day outs and catch ups with friends and family is good for your soul. Invest time to go on “friend dates” to give yourself a dose of happiness, laughter and good energy throughout the year. It’s emotional self-care at it’s finest!
35. Treat yourself
Make it a must on your New Years resolution goals to treat yourself more often. It doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg, but remember this, you work hard and you should acknowledge that. So get yourself that new dress, you deserve it!
36. Create a self-care kit
You’ve heard of an emergency kit but how about a self-care kit? A box with a few of your favourite items to make you feel good throughout the year is a top notch goal. Change it up every so often to include seasonal appropriate items (and even make kits to give away as gifts).
37. Learn to say 'no'
I know how hard it is to say “no”, but learning to say it more often will allow you to do more of the things that you truly want.
38. Grow your confidence
Confidence isn’t the easiest thing to master but it will allow you to flourish beyond measure. Get out of your protective bubble, explore more, make new connections, do things that inspire you and scare you and watch your self-confidence grow this year.
39. Stop waiting for the "right time"
It’s never the right time till you make it the right time. You’re the only one who can truly make things happen for you. You don’t want to live a life of “what ifs” and regrets so make it a priority to stop delaying and start doing. You never know what could happen till you try.
40. Let go of bad habits
Got a bad habit that’s eating up at your life? Ditch it! Easier said than done, I know, but find a way to gradually decrease it till you eventually stop. It’ll summon a lot of willpower and dedication but it’ll be good for you in the long run.
41. Learn or hone in on a new skill
Haven’t you heard? Skills are so in this year and every year going forward. Add more of them to your personal achievements or perfect a skill that’s been clinging on to dear life. You can never have too many under your belt.
42. Do acts of kindness daily
In a world where kindness is free, it wouldn’t hurt a soul to practice it more. Smile, give out compliments, check in on your neighbour, offer a helping hand. It could be just the thing to brighten someone’s day!
43. Be more punctual
Lateness is never a good trait. This year be that person who always arrives on time (or close as!) This is definitely one of those New Year’s resolution goals worth setting.
44. Get in touch with your creative side
Do more things that explore your creative side. From DIY to doodling anything goes this year!
45. Budget and save more
Get in control of your finances each month so you can set aside money to do things you enjoy. A rainy day fund, money for travelling or buying a new car, we can all do with learning to save a little extra towards the “finer” things in life.
46. Give back where possible
Devote more of your time and energy to give back this year. Find a charitable cause close to your heart, volunteer somewhere or donate things to people in need. Not only will it make you feel good but also the people you’re helping.
47. Stop multi-tasking
Multi-tasking can be a great skill to have, however, it can cause you a few mishaps too. From a foggy brain to agitation and stress, it’s not worth your sanity. Just focus on one thing at a time.
48. Face your fears
A New Year’s resolution goals list just wouldn’t be complete if you didn’t face a fear or two this year. Get to the bottom of your fears and face them head on, you’ll feel a sense of relief overwhelm you!
49. Start a DIY project
Making something yourself from scratch is a rewarding and fun way to explore what you can do. It doesn’t matter how big or small the project is, get stuck in and enjoy the process!
50. Be gentle with yourself
Fun fact: you’re stuck with you. So you might aswell look out for your feelings a little more. Be gentle and kind to yourself. Forgive yourself, let go of any negativity you have towards yourself. You might not always realise it but … you’re kind of cool.
I hope you’ve found a lot of inspiration in this post to add to your own New Year’s resolution goals. These ideas are a little nudge to help you create a better, happier and healthier year. Don’t stress if it takes you time to do them. Take it one step at a time and you’ll get the hang of it. Remember goal number 39? There’s no right time till you make it at the right time!
Wishing you a happy and fulfilling New Year x
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Till next time! Fatima x