Do you feel like you’re at a standstill in life? Like you just can’t seem to move forward? Well here’s to telling you, YOU CAN and it’s very much possible! Discover how to make life happen for you when you feel stuck in life in what seems like a never-ending rut.
Why you may be feeling stuck in life
If you find yourself asking, “Why do I feel stuck in life?”. You’re not alone and neither is the answer simple.
There are a number of reasons why you may feel at a crossroad.
- You’ve outgrown your current situation and it’s no longer serving any joy or purpose in your life.
- You feel a disconnect from your values.
- You’re overwhelmed or feel burnt out.
- You’ve lost interest in what you thought you liked.
- You’re worried of change because starting over scares you.
- You’ve lost hope for the future and feel unmotivated to move forward.
- You’re comparing your chapter to other peoples.
So does this mean you can’t get out of the rut? Ofcorse not! There is always a way round everything. It all comes down to how much effort you’re willing to put in to get unstuck and start making life happen for you again.
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Resources to help you when you're feeling stuck in life (and need to get unstuck quickly!)
• The five minute journal – to foster daily gratitude and appreciation.
• Skillshare – to find a new interest or hobby to dive into.
• Don’t believe everything you think – to help shift your mindset and rewire your brain.
Haven’t got the time? Save this post for later!

Is there any value in being stuck?
Ohh absolutely!
Feeling stuck often forces us into a corner. It makes us pause. And in that pause lies the potential for immense personal growth and development.
Through moments of stillness, we find ourselves reflecting deeply on our life choices and priorities.
This re-evaluation can be a GAME CHANGER!
It paves a much clearer path that was otherwise obscured by the fog of routine and complacency – suddenly enriching your life.
And this shift isn’t just about overcoming challenges but thriving amidst them. Putting you in a state of deep appreciation for the journey of personal transformation that lies ahead.

I feel stuck in life: 11 ways to get out of the rut and start living your life again
1. Take back control of your life
The bottom line is this – your life is your own to live out and you’ve got to get a reign on it STAT. You may not feel like it in the moment, but making the decision to take back what’s yours – regaining control over your life decisions – is the key to to getting yourself out of a funk.
2. Shift your mindset and change your perspective
Adopting a positive mindset can transform challenges into opportunities for growth. So how can you do this?
Consider questioning the validity of negative thoughts and refocusing on solutions rather than problems.
List your achievements, surround yourself with positive influences, indulge in daily affirmations, reinforce the belief in your potential. The list is endless. Take the time to really rewire your brain and everything else will follow suit!
3. Be realistic in your expectations
Too often, ambitions tend to stretch beyond immediate reach, leaving behind a feeling of disappointment and unfulfillment. You’ve got to break free from the notion of high expectations – it won’t serve you well when you’re feeling stuck. Find a harmonious balance between high aspirations and grounded practicality so you’re not left feeling totally unsatisfied.
4. Express appreciation in daily life - the power of gratitude
Embracing gratitude daily is your ticket to finding some sort of joy amongst the chaos of feeling “hopeless”. It steers you towards recognizing the abundance in your life rather than fixating on all that’s going wrong. And it’s more simple than you think! Spend each day jotting down a few things you’re grateful for, or simply enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
I strongly suggest this gratitude journal to help you turn gratitude into a natural and enjoyable part of your daily life.
5. Stay present
Mindfulness is a beacon of light when you’re feeling stuck. It helps you truly embrace the here and now, anchoring you in the current moment. There’s something about being present that just covers you with a sense of mental peace – diminishing the worries of tomorrow and lessens the regrets of yesterday.
6. Set goals to aspire to
Setting goals will help you to gain a sense of perspective when you’re feeling stuck in a rut. Try drafting both short and long-term goals to aspire to, making sure they’re specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
This SMART approach ensures your goals act as a stepping stone towards you’re ultimate vision, empowering and propelling you forward with purpose and clarity.
7. Create a vision of the life you want
And speaking of vision, keep those goals and dreams alive and vivid in your heart and mind, especially when you’re feeling a little unmotivated.
A vision board may sound cliché but it’s effectiveness is undeniable!
It serves as a powerful visual reminder of what you’re striving for in life, giving you a constant gentle nudge to keep moving forward.
8. Try new and exciting things
Sometimes you’re just missing a little excitement in your life, nothing too dramatic (unless that’s your kinda thing). Just enough to spice things up a little. So yes, go traveling, learn a new language, try out a new hobby. Get stuck into something that will bring a little more “purpose” into your days. And if you’re looking for a new skill, I can’t recommend Skillshare enough. It’s the perfect platform to discover hundreds of courses at all levels to get your life moving in the right direction again.
9. Take moments of rest to recharge and focus on self-care
Everybody deserves some tender loving care and when you’re feeling stuck, it’s even more important to recharge and fill your cup. That’s why self-care is crucial. Paramount actually! In these moments of self-care lies the chance to really sync yourself, mind, body, and soul. So yes, take a break, indulge in activities to help reset your well-being and I promise you, you’ll come back stronger and ready to take on the world again.
10. Have a support system in place
When you’re feeling stuck, it can really weigh you down putting mental strain on yourself. And the best way to get out of the funk is to lean on others for support. Don’t shy away from asking for help. Whether it’s professional help or emotional support from family and friends, sometimes it takes someone looking in from the outside to help you find the clarity you need in these times.
11. Start a journal
Now if you know me, you know I’m a BIG advocate for journaling. From self-discovery to identifying areas of improvement, keeping a journal is the best way to vent out your feelings and thoughts helping to declutter your mind and gain some clarity in your current status. So if you find yourself stuck in life, purchase a journal (like these amazing ones here), grab a pen and start writing. Release yourself of the burden you’re carrying and you may find the solution in between the pages of your own writing!
To get you started, you can find some great tips for journaling here and some inspiring journal prompts here to help you on your way.
Feeling stuck has often been perceived as a barrier, a frustrating halt in progress. It’s that moment when life seems to stand still, leaving you yearning for a sense of purpose and fulfilment.
Yet, what if you viewed this not as a setback but an invaluable wake up call? (or as I like to say, a kick up the backside!)
That’s right, this period of stuckness is actually a hidden treasure, an opportunity to harness a transformative mindset to propel you forward.
Embracing it opens countless doors of opportunities for self-improvement, growth, and discovering your purpose in life.
So heck! If you’re feeling stuck, that’s totally fine, it’s just a much needed bump in the road to re-evaluate your journey.
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