There’s a chill in the air and that can only mean one thing (out of many). Thyyyyme to stock up on some autumn and winter herbs and spices to survive the cold!
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Autumn and winter oozes all the cozy and snug vibes that summer can’t quite spare. But the chilly break isn’t always plain sailing. From colds, flus and everything pesty in between, it can be a testing time for our health and wellness.
Naturally we crave spicier comforting flavours during the colder seasons. The endless supply of pumpkin spiced lattes and the aromas at your Thanksgiving table are a pretty big give away.
But these herbs and spices aren’t there just to tickle your taste buds (or make your home smell amazing). They boast incredible health benefits too.
Along with other lifestyle changes, adding aromatic herbs and warming spices is perfect for your autumn and winter self-care.
Used since the beginning of time and tested by some of the greats, herbs and spices are a no brainer all year round. But during the bitter months they offer a natural remedy to support immune health and fight common winter ailments.
Nature truly has our best interest at heart. So let’s get down to the herbalicious goodness now!
Here’s a list of the best herbs and spices to add to your winter wellness for optimal health.

Best Autumn and Winter herbs and spices
1. Garlic
Let’s be real, one can never have too much garlic right? I mean, this pungent herb may be a little strong and may pack some serious heat, but it makes everything taste a million times better.
Not only that, it’s also a prominent immune booster and can give a sluggish digestion the kick it needs.
Grate raw garlic over your meals for maximum warmth and you’ll be winter fit in no time.
2. Turmeric
Turmeric (or curcumin) may be the popular spice used in your favourite Friday night curry but it serves much more purpose than a yellow hued dish! This incredible spice has been used for centuries due to its medicinal properties.
It helps to reduce chronic inflammation, has immune enhancing effects and promotes liver, skin and digestive health. It may have an acquired taste (and that’s putting it lightly) but it’s antioxidant properties do it the justice it deserves. A perfect addition to your winter wellbeing.
3. Ginger
It’s almost criminal to think ginger wouldn’t make it on this autumn and winter herbs and spices list. It seems it’s the first thing everyone suggests to fight every condition under the sun. Mama never seemed to miss a beat with her time-tested ginger, lemon and honey concoction right? And rightly so!
Ginger helps to soothe stomach conditions and promotes better circulation.
Drinking ginger tea serves as a great defence against the common winter cold. But gingerols, found in ginger root, helps alleviate throat conditions and joint discomfort. So give your palate and health a spicy kick and add freshly grated ginger to your foods.
Try this refreshing Vitamin C Immune Boosting Juice that features a spicy punch of turmeric and ginger!
4. Rosemary
Not only is rosemary a superstar in the kitchen and the staple to your Sunday roast dinners. The smell (and taste) of this delicious herb is enough to stimulate your mind and calm your nervous system. Its iron and calcium rich content make it a desirable addition to your wellness routine all year round.
5. Oregano
This delicious savoury herb may be closely linked to Mediterranean cuisine but it deserves equal recognition for its health promoting properties. Boasting powerful antibacterial benefits, It handles the frosty weather like a true champ fighting off cold, flus and chesty coughs.

6. Thyme
Never given this common versatile herb a second thought? Well it’s thyme to change that! Thyme is another herb with Mediterranean influence but it’s a pretty big deal for your health too.
It helps to relieve congestion, ease coughing and sore throats as well as proving useful for respiratory complaints. And like rosemary, it has mood boosting properties making it exceptionally helpful during those moody cold days.
7. Cinnamon
It’s almost impossible to ignore this popular fragrant spice during the cooler months! Everything from its aroma to its warm sweet flavour gives off fall vibes and holiday festivities.
It may be associated with pumpkin spice and everything nice (no complaints there), but it’s also been shown to relieve nausea, soothe indigestion and control blood sugar levels.
Sprinkle cinnamon powder over foods and drinks or brew a few fresh sticks with honey for a simple comforting evening tea.
8. Nutmeg
Another popular autumn and winter spice with it’s distinctive sweet and spicy flavour, nutmeg is just as potent for your health.
Like other spices, nutmeg is antioxidant rich and contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Not to mention it’s a great brain-stimulator and helps with focus.
So next time you’re feeling a little under the weather and need a boost to your spirit, sprinkle some nutmeg over some oatmeal or yogurt to do the trick!
9. Cloves
Cloves may be more commonly used as a natural remedy for tooth and oral pain. But this intense flavoured spice packs some serious antioxidant strength for other health complaints!
From joint and muscle pain to immune boosting properties, cloves are a win throughout the cold months. A trip to a spice farm in Zanzibar will tell you exactly just how mighty these bad boys are!
10. Cardamom
Pinned as the ‘Queen of spice’, cardamom is the third most expensive spice in the world. And it’s no wonder.
It may not be as popular as other spices but this smoky, warm and fresh spice can help aid in digestion and relieve stress to name a few. It can also help freshen breath so yeah, it’s kind of cool!
The benefits of using these autumn and winter herbs and spices go beyond taste, warmth and aroma. They offer amazing health benefits to nourish you from the inside out.
Top tip: enrich your life by keeping an indoor herb garden and a well stocked spice rack all year round to reap their benefits over and over again.
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