Winter can be a pretty difficult time for many people, both physically and mentally. With the weather getting colder and lack of daylight hours it can leave many feeling unmotivated, tired and with seasonal depression. That’s where a winter self-care routine comes in to play.
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Why is a winter self-care routine so important?
As your body and mind adjusts to such a harsh change of season, you need to accommodate these changes with a fitting wellness and self-care routine. A drop in temperature comes with a heap of “side effects”; low mood, dry skin, being prone to illnesses and hormone imbalance to name just a few. That’s why adopting a winter self-care routine is just what you need to bring back balance, health and joy back into your life.
The right winter self-care routine can be a HUGE help in changing your attitude towards winter. That’s why I’ve put together this winter self-care guide with all the tips you need to survive the chilly days and extra time indoors.
This post comes with a lot of tips and ideas so don’t worry if you can not do them all or aren’t too keen on some. Your self-care is specific to YOU. Find the best winter self-care rituals in this list that fit with your lifestyle, schedule and peace of mind and you’ll be just fine.
Winter Self-care tips to add to your routine

1. Take warm baths
Nothing quite beats a warm evening bath to soothe away the days chills and stresses. Taking a bath is relaxing, rejuvenating and is the perfect opportunity for some much needed time for yourself.
Gather your favourite bath products, set the mood and enjoy some time in pure bliss.
For extra relaxation and self-care benefits try adding Epsom salt and essential oils to heal, cleanse and detox your mind and body.

2. Switch to a winter friendly skincare regime
As the temperature dips your skin tends to be more prone to dryness, chapping and flaking. Adopting a winter skincare routine to combat these harsh changes is an essential self-care practise to achieve and maintain healthy glowing skin.
Switch to a thicker, hydrating moisturiser and pay close attention to your hands and lips. Look for products high in vitamin c, ceramides, niacinamide and other moisturising properties for extra skin relief during winter.
It’s also easy to forget that the sun is still there during the winter months and UV rays can still cause damage. So make sure to add sunscreen to your winter skincare routine (yes, it’s a 365 days a year kinda thing!)

Credit: @theresaschmidt
3. Get some fresh air
During winter we naturally stay indoors more. The chilly bitterness outside can put anyone off from spending time outdoors. The lack of sunlight means you get less vitamin D during winter as well as leave you with the dreaded winter blues (Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD).
It’s essential to get as much fresh air and time outdoors to naturally source vitamin D, uplift your mood and give you a dose of energy.
A short work or sitting outside in nature for 30 minutes a day could do wonders to feed your mental and physical self-care.
4. Stay hydrated
During winter it’s easy to forget to drink water and keep yourself hydrated. Unlike summer. we tend to naturally feel less thirsty but, with the air getting dryer, you need all the hydration you can get.
Try these simple techniques to get you drinking more water daily during winter to help your body function properly and maintain healthy skin. You’ll be sipping away like it’s second nature!
5. Add more winter herbs and spices to your meals
Adding winter herbs and spices to your food and drinks is an easy and natural way to prioritise your winter wellness. Popular winter herbs and spices include ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg and rosemary. They’re easily accessible, add flavour to your meals and can help towards strengthening your immune system to combat illnesses.
Try making this delicious and refreshing vitamin c immune boosting juice (you won’t be disappointed!)
6. Take extra vitamins
Lack of vitamin D, pesty colds and bugs and lack of energy are only some of the downsides to winter. Taking extra precautions to support and strengthen your immune system is essential to your winter self-care and wellness routine.
As mentioned above, herbs and spices are a great way to help boost your immune system and fight viruses and infections.
I also recommend these SuperBoost Vitamin and Mineral shots for a powerful boost to your immunity and energy levels.

7. Take up meditation or yoga
Winter is a slow paced season and can, at times, come with less productivity. Start the morning with some gentle yoga or meditation to set you up for the day. This is a great way to release stress, improve your mood, practice mindfulness and get your body moving first thing.
Create a space of zen in your home, set the mood and be in the moment, your morning routine will thank you for this!

8. Keep a journal
Journaling is your ultimate personal and private outlet. A way of releasing your thoughts and feelings with no judgements or expectations.
With more time indoors, more time to think and the dreaded winter blues hanging in the air, adding a journal to your winter self-care routine could make all the difference!
Choose a gratitude and growth journal like the Five Minute Journal or start a bullet journal and just “brain dump”. Try this for a whole month and I bet you’ll see a shift in your mood, gratitude and positivity.
9. Enjoy warm drinks
The cold chilly weather means a stock up on warm and hot drinks. It may not sound like self-care, but It’s a touch of TLC that’s comforting and blissful. Enjoy a warm drink at the start of the day to wake you up or in the evening to wind down. No matter when you choose to have it, make sure to truly savour the moment!
10. Cook hearty meals
Winter calls for wholesome, hearty meals to make you feel good and warm inside. We also tend to eat more during this time as your body needs the extra energy for warmth. So try adding seasonal ingredients in your meals and include more soups and stews for extra comfort, warmth and hydration boost.

11. Clean and update your space
It’s no surprise that we spend a lot more time indoors during winter. A light winter declutter and a home re-decor to fit the season is therapeutic and clears the mind. Create an indoor space that reflects coziness and warmth, it’s the uplifting boost your winter self-care deserves!
12. Stay warm and cozy
Yes, winter is dark, cold and can be a bit of a drag but it’s also the perfect opportunity to be in complete comfort and snugness.
Take this time to stock up on your favourite cozy essentials to keep you warm throughout the season. I’m talking extra blankets (especially heated blankets), fuzzy socks, hot water bottles, candles, pj’s, the full works! A winter self-care routine just wouldn’t be right without all the warmth you can find.

13. Light a candle
The simplicity of lighting a candle is a peaceful self-care ritual that adds warmth, ambience and bliss to your day and home. Candles can add a lift to even the most dullest of days, and let’s be honest, winter has a lot of them!
Light a candle at every opportunity you get; in the bath, whilst your lounging about, any time really. For an extra dose of luxury, get yourself some scented candles with all the winter and cozy notes.

14. Humidify the air
As mentioned, winter is the time everything gets dull and dry, and that also includes the air in your home.
You may not realise it but it’s also adding to your already irritated dry skin. That’s where a humidifier comes into action. These are mighty little devices that help to increase moisture and humidity in the air which can help sooth dry skin, lips and throat aswell as calm colds and flus.
Definitely worth adding to your winter self-care and wellness ritual!

Credit: @houseplant.oasis
15. Start an indoor garden
Winter means less time spent outdoors in nature so that means bringing the nature indoors to you.
Freshen up your space with more plants so you can reap the benefits of more oxygen and purified air as well as a lift to your mood and spirit.
Surrounding yourself with more greenery will add a sense of calm and relaxation to your space and mind. The act of watering and nurturing them will also have a profound effect on your overall wellbeing.
16. Limit your screen time
It’s easy to mindlessly scroll through your devices when you’ve got plenty more time indoors. But don’t let them consume your day! Take time away from your devices each day to simply connect with yourself and your surroundings.
Use these moments to do things that are more productive and will allow your self-care and wellness to truly thrive. You’ll find your sleeping, health and overall wellbeing slowly improve day by day.
17. Do some winter activities
Leaving the house might be a little tough at times, but enjoying some seasonal activities is just the thing you need to lift your spirit!
Gather your friends and family and go out there and make some memories. Do something local like seeing the lights or ice-skating or go all out and plan a trip away.
How about renting out a cabin and enjoying the warmth and coziness with your loved ones. Or invite friends and family over for a movie night to stimulate your emotional and mental self-care.
18. Get creative or learn a new skill!
Winter presents the perfect opportunity to get in touch with your creative side! Take up a new hobby or try out some new things to really get your creative juices flowing.
There’s no right or wrong way to do this, just choose something that makes you feel good. Challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone if you have to.
How about trying out a new recipe, picking up painting or learning a new language. Whatever you choose to do, put your heart and soul into it. It’s mental self-care at it’s finest.
Winter is tough and we tend to lose sight of our health and wellness in the midst of it all. It’s difficult to summon the willpower to take care of yourself but it’s more important than ever to do just that.
Try adding these winter self-care rituals to your daily routine and you’ll find you feel happier and healthier throughout the season.
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Till next time! Fatima x