These tips for a healthy lifestyle will simplify your wellness journey and help you make the transition to happy and healthy living in no time!
Healthy living doesn’t have to be complicated filled with grand and drastic gestures. You don’t have to follow a strict diet or extreme fitness regime and do everything else in between to live a healthy lifestyle.
Quite frankly, it’s exhausting trying to maintain it all on top of all the realities of your day to day life!
All you really need to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle is make a few simple changes and tweaks to your health and wellness routine and do them consistently.

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40 simple wellness tips for a healthy lifestyle
I’ve gathered this list of no fuss tips for healthy living all in one place for a more healthier, happier and balanced you!
1. Drink a glass of (lemon) water in the morning
A glass of water first thing in the morning is a great way to rehydrate and replenish after a full nights sleep. Now add lemon to the mixture and you’ve got yourself a little morning miracle! Lemon water is the perfect concoction to aid in digestion, flush out toxins, promote healthy skin and give you a much needed energy boost.

2. Do a morning stretch
A stretch a day keeps the injuries away (literally!) Start your day with a stretch to wake up your muscles and relieve any aches and tensions from sleeping. Over time stretching can potentially alleviate body pain and increase flexibility making it easier to perform daily tasks (without the risk of injury or strain).
3. Take daily supplements
Taking dietary supplements will give you an extra dose of essential vitamins and minerals, especially if your deficient in one or more, to support a healthy lifestyle. Keep them in a handy container and take them daily to manage and improve your overall health.
4. Let in fresh air and natural light
Open your windows and draw back the curtains to brighten and freshen up your home. Not only that, the fresh air and natural light instantly boosts your mood and overall mental health!
5. Go for daily walks
A half an hour walk (or more) will help keep your heart healthy, improve your mood and help you stay active. Switch up your route every so often or go for a sunset walk to keep things fun and interesting!

6. Take the stairs
You may not think it so, but taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a simple way to sneak in more steps and exercise into your day. Plus, it’s great for your heart and a no-nonsense (gentle) way to tone and strengthen your leg muscles.
7. Fill half your plate with veggies
Filling half your plate with veggies or a salad is a simple and practical wellness tip and hack that’s super healthy and can help with portion control (weight management anyone?). Because veggies are rich in antioxidants, fibre and essential vitamins and minerals, they’ll keep you fuller for longer, keep your body in tip top condition and fight free radicals in the process.
8. Load up on herbs and spices
Herbs and spices can enhance any meal by a hundred folds but they’re not just good for adding flavour – they’re seriously powerful stuff with a host of health benefits and anti-everything properties! Get a feast of some of these benefits here.
9. Get a fitness tracker
If you’re looking to track, challenge and push yourself to walk more, a fitness tracker (also known as a pedometer) is your best bet. You’ll be able to count your daily steps making it easier to get your 10,000 steps in or hit your daily steps target.

10. Move your body daily
You don’t have to hit the gym to reap the benefits of improving your fitness levels and overall physical and mental health. Any body movement applied with a little pressure is enough to get the heart pumping. So try working up a sweat by walking, running, yoga, bike riding, swimming or even dancing to name a few!
11. Use extra virgin olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest vegetable oils to use filled with heart-healthy fats and antioxidants. Apart from cooking with it, you can easily drizzle it over your meals to get in some extra goodness!
12. Eat nuts and seeds
Don’t be scared of nuts and seeds because of their high fat value – they’re the good types I promise! Even more so, nuts and seeds provide a wide range of nutritious goodness and are jam packed with protein, fibre and vitamins and minerals.
13. Hang eucalyptus in the shower
Turn your bathroom into a spa and wake up to a refreshing, calming and therapeutic eucalyptus infused shower. You can read my eucalyptus shower guide to get all the information and tips you need to get started.

14. Switch to non toxic clean natural skincare products
Your skin stays with you for a whole life time and it needs the right care for it to truly flourish. Using clean products means your skin isn’t absorbing any nasty chemicals that can end up doing more harm than good. Take a look at these basic skin care tips for maintaining healthy, glowing skin.
15. Drink a smoothie daily
Smoothies are a great way to sneak in your 5 a day and greens each day. They’re easy to make, crazy delicious and can be prepped before hand as an on-the-go breakfast or snack.
16. Wear sunscreen daily
Sunscreen is your best friend all year round and the most basic skincare practice, so be sure to keep your skin protected and healthy with SPF every day. Yes … even if the sun is playing peek-a-boo and it’s raining buckets outside!
17. Eat the rainbow
If your meals are looking more colourful than a child’s playroom it’s a sure sign your heading in the right direction! Eat a variety of fruits and veggies daily to load up on antioxidants for a healthier lifestyle.
18. Make sure to stand up every so often
Let’s be real, sitting around for too long isn’t going to do your heart, health or posture any good. So for the sake of body, make it a habit to stand up and move around for a few minutes every half an hour.
19. Drink more water
Everyone and their nans know the benefits of water so I won’t bombard you with the facts. But drinking water truly is the most basic healthy living tip there is and if you’re struggling to get your two litres a day try these simple tricks to help you out.
20. Get into a healthy morning routine
Create and start your day filled with inspiring, healthy, mindful or/and productive morning activities to set the tone for the day. A morning routine adapted to your needs will make waking up that much easier!

21. Keep houseplants in your home
Houseplants are not only super pretty and calming but they clean the air around you and have a mood boosting effect. Find the best houseplants to keep here.
22. Get in your daily affirmations
What you say to yourself is just as important as anything else on this list for leading a healthy lifestyle . So repeat after me – “I am enough”, “I will conquer the day ahead no matter what it throws my way.” Write your affirmations and say them every day to help motivate you and support your mental health.
23. Practice good dental care
Brushing your teeth twice a day is only the minimum for good dental care. For the complete package, make sure to floss and brush your tongue too to combat bacteria and keep your gums and mouth healthy.
24. Take a spoon of raw organic apple cider vinegar daily
Vinegar? Really? Yes, really! It’s been widely used for centuries and with its science backed health benefits it’s no wonder. Just mix a spoon of it in a glass of water daily and cheers to your health!
25. Get some quality sleep
Sleep is the best medicine of all and a goodnights sleep can work miracles on your wellbeing. Make sure to get your 7-9 hours daily so you can wake up ready to take on the day ahead.
26. Spend time in nature
Be it the park or beach, nature offers a soothing and calming way to support your mental health and keep your spirits up!

27. Make time for relaxation and things you enjoy
You may overlook this as unproductive and meaningless in terms of health, but relaxation, rest and doing things that make YOU feel good is key to healthy living.
28. Go organic where possible
Chemicals and pesticides have stripped the beauty out of wholesome eating so if you have the funds for it, choosing organic foods if better for your health and the environment.
29. Keep smiling!
Smiling is the universal language of happiness and can really boost your physical and mental health (crazy right?!) So brighten up your day and everyone around you by smiling often.
30. Practice self-care
We all deserve some tender loving care and as they say “you can’t pour from an empty cup” – take care of yourself first.
31. Be kind
“Neurological research has found the area of our brain that is activated in response to things like pleasure, food or sex, lights up when we do kind acts for others,” says Meik Wiking, author of ‘The key to happiness’. So yeah, kindness is kind of a big deal!

32. Keep a journal
Journaling isn’t just about putting pen to paper, it comes with some pretty amazing benefits like reducing anxiety, boosting mood and improving focus. Check out my ultimate journaling guide to find out more and get your journey journal started.
33. Focus on your Vitamin D levels
Vitamin D is an essential vitamin to help maintain and promote a healthy lifestyle, but unfortunately not many of us get enough of it. The best source of vitamin D is sunlight so make sure to spend some time in the sun to keep your levels in the right range.
Not getting enough sunlight? No problem, you can always take vitamin D supplements to avoid deficiency.
34. Keep your loved ones close
Notice how happy you are around family and friends? Nurture your relationship with your loved ones constantly to keep your mental state and physical health in check!
35. Do breathing exercises
Breathing is good but have you tried BREATHING?? Consciously taking deeper breaths can help you relax, destress and regulate blood pressure and that’s just a few health benefits out of many! Simply take a few minutes each day, sit still, close your eyes and take deep breaths in. It’s the healthy living tip you never knew you needed!
36. Eat slowly and chew your food
Don’t rush your eating – this can cause poor digestion, bloating and constipation. Consciously take your time to eat and chew your food to support your gut health.

37. Stop hitting snooze
As much as it pains me to say this but it’s high time we wake up when the alarm goes off … the first time. Hitting the snooze button will only make you feel more sluggish and out of tune with your mornings.
38. Less screen time
too much screen time has robbed us of purposeful living in this day in age. Kick the habit to the curb by reducing your screen usage and you’ll find yourself feeling happier and lighter.
39. Be gentle with yourself
There’s no room to war with yourself when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Learn to be gentle and forgive yourself so you can live with more purpose and confidence!
40. Practice mindfulness
Being more mindful with your thoughts, emotions, body and surroundings can help manage stress, depression and anxiety. From mindful eating to listening to your body, practice mindfulness daily for optimal health and wellbeing.
Final thoughts and tips for a healthy lifestyle
Paying close attention to your habits and routine will help you make healthier lifestyle choices. You don’t have to do everything all at once either. Simply identify the areas of your health and wellbeing from these healthy living tips that need a little more work and challenge yourself to do just that.
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