11 Work Office Decorating Ideas to Boost Productivity and Mood

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Looking to spruce up and uplift your work office space? Give your office a makeover with these office decorating ideas for work to help inspire productivity AND boost your mood. So whether you’re looking for a simple refresh or to create a completely new workspace, these work office decorating ideas are sure to transform your work office into an inspiring environment. A win-win all around!

Minimalist work office decor

Let’s face it – it’s no easy task staying motivated at work for hours on end. And staring at the same (boring) four walls day in and day out isn’t going to cut it either  – especially if you’re doing 40+ hours a week!

So be it a corporate office or home office, adding a splash of personality could really do wonders for your work ethic, focus and overall wellbeing.

And yes – you can still keep your work office decor professional and jazz it up enough to create a fun, comfortable and uplifting space that you actually enjoy being in and will help you THRIVE!

These work office decorating ideas will show you exactly how to do just that.

work office decorating ideas

11 work office decorating ideas that will boost productivity and mood

As far as work office decorating ideas go, these can easily be added to any office setting (home or not).

Hopefully you’ll be able to add some of them to your work space and reap their benefits for both productivity and mood!

1. Add plants and flowers

Beautiful plants on a work desk to boost mood

If there’s anything that can instantly lift and brighten any space it’s bringing nature indoors through plants and flowers!

Not only are fresh plants pleasing to look at and can liven your mood, they give off calming and cosy vibes and can also help clean the air around you too.

If your work office can’t cater to real plants than artificial plants will do just fine. They’re still pretty on the eyes with the added benefit of less maintenance.

Here are some pretty options:

artificial hanging plants for home and work office decor

Hanging plants are a statement on any shelf or desk. Try a set like these to ramp up your office decor.

geometric hanging plant pots from Amazon. work office decorating ideas. decor ideas for work space. decorating ideas for home office. home office decor ideas. decorating ideas for work space

These stunning geometric hanging pots are a show stopper!

2. Hang decorative wall accents

Hanging wall decor and art in a work office

Credit: Chictalkch

Bare walls are just so dull and uninspiring!

If you’re going to be staring at them a lot, personalizing your workspace is a great way to make your office unique and uplifting. Consider adding inspiring wall accents to your office space to help motivate you to work harder knowing that your area reflects your style and interests!

Here are some great examples of wall decorations for a work office:

• Art work

Adding art work can bring color, pattern and personality to your work office. Keep your walls interesting by hanging a few pieces of art that appeal to you. And if you don’t want to put unnecessary holes in the wall, you could use heavy duty adhesive tape or dangle-less frames instead!

beautiful Etsy art work for home and office

Check out this range of gorgeous prints here.

beautiful Etsy art work for home and office

• Grid or vision boards

grid board for work office decoration ideas

If you’re anything like me, a grid board or vision board might be right up your street!

You can add lots of different items to it – from photos and notes to fairy lights and all sorts of bits and pieces.

They represent your hopes, dreams and goals – the perfect way to inspire you to keep going (especially on those extra tough work days!)

Try this grid board set with all the accessories to start you off.

• A mirror

A mirror may not directly boost productivity but they can be used to balance the decor of the room and make it appear larger thus giving you a sense of more office space to work with!

• Inspiring quotes

A set of inspiring quotes will help you make it through even the toughest of days!

Stick them up, frame them, hang them or peg them to your board. Choose quotes that resonate with you the most to help you reflect deeper.

Inspirational quotes for home, life, work and personal development
inspirational quotes
inspirational quotes
Boss babe boss lady inspirational quotes

Find all these inspirational quotes and more here on Etsy

3. Accessorise with ornaments

A few stylish ornaments could really bring your work space up a notch. Accessorise with items to suit your personal style and taste to improve your mood and make your work life feel more homely.

4. Keep framed photos

Framed photos of loved ones, pets or special memories are like a breath of fresh air for your emotional wellbeing at work. One look at them is enough to encourage you, centre you and put a much needed smile on your face.

5. Invest in comfortable seating

comfortable chair for office

Investing in comfortable seating is essential to boost productivity and comfort levels in your workspace.

Try adding a chair that screams snug and chic so you can work in comfort and style. And think about adding height adjustable chairs with ample back support too. If anything, it will make sitting around at work for long periods of time a little bit more pleasant!

If you’re work place has designated chairs that don’t quite fit the bill, bring along a comfy cushion or blanket to help support you.

cute chic stylish office chair

This stylish chair will make a bold statement!

classic plain black office chair

Or perhaps stick to a classic but comfortable swivel chair.

6. Get fancy drinkware

No work office space is complete without some form of drinkware!

Let’s be real, sitting at a desk for hours means a constant flow of coffee, tea and water so you might as well do it in style.

I like to keep a water bottle to help me stay hydrated throughout the day and a cute mug for my endless supply of hot drinks.

The LARQ water bottle is self-cleaning, offering purified and fresh tasting water with every sip!

How adorable and inspiring is this “She believed she could so she did” coffee mug.

Ramp up the motivation with this range of quote mugs and you’ll be winning at work!

7. Organize your desk

Organizing your work station and keeping clutter at bay is a good work ethic basic that’s bound to increase productivity!

Clutter can make your mind foggy and make it much harder to focus on working as well as be a right downer on your mood.

Keep everything in its place – from files to stationery, there’s something for everything! 

Just take a look at these beautiful organizing equipment:

Take a look at Etsy for a wide range of desk organizers like the ones above!

8. Keep a planner or journal

It’s pretty common to use a planner for work. From scheduling, planning, tasks and to do lists, they pull all your work needs in one place!

So get yourself a pretty planner that’s exciting, fun, inspiring and that you’ll actually enjoy using. A planner that’s both functional and stylish will become a staple in your day to day office running.

My planner to sort my life out on Amazon by diary of my spirit
My planner to sort my life out on Amazon by diary of my spirit
My planner to sort my life out on Amazon by diary of my spirit

This beautiful “My Planner To Sort My Life Out” is the perfect weekly planner for ALL your needs. From to-do list and scheduling, it even has pages to put your goals in all areas of life.

I’m also a big advocate for journaling as they’re great for guidance, to improve mental well-being and spark new ideas. Word of warning, in an open office environment there’s little privacy so make sure to keep it close to you away from prying eyes!

9. Add a calendar

big office work desk wall calendar

A calendar is a simple work necessity you’ll be checking often, so ditch the boring work calendar and get yourself a fun visually appealing one in its place. A beautiful calendar will look stunning and keep you on track!

10. Get a table lamp

beautiful home office deco idea

Add a beautiful table lamp that will boost your energy that feels warm and welcoming.

Harsh fluorescent lighting can play havoc on your health – causing headaches and damaging your eyes. Whereas good lighting can help you feel more relaxed, focused and cosy.

Plus, if your office space doesn’t get an abundance of natural sunlight, invest in decorative lighting fixtures or desk lamps with warm bulbs that mimic natural sunlight.

11. Scent your space

candle and matchstick set on books on the table

A nice smelling office will help boost your mood and make the work day much more pleasant.

And what’s the best way to add aromas and subtle ambience to a space? Candles and reed diffusers ofcorse! They’re enough to transform your space into a cozy oasis that’s tantalising on your senses.

Neom organics wellness pod diffuser and essential oils

If you’re looking for a diffuser that smells good, uplifts your mood and has a heap of health benefits, than you can’t go wrong with the Neom Organics Wellness Pod. Words won’t do this diffuser any justice – you’ll just have to try it for yourself!

Functional decorating ideas for work office

Because I don’t do things half-heartedly, here are a few extra work office decorating ideas that focus more on functionality.

These are a little harder to implement in a corporate office that doesn’t allow drastic changes so they’re mostly aimed for a home office.

If that’s you, than let’s get to it!

1. Add some stylish storage space

floating shelf shelves for home and work office

Adding a few stylish storage spaces will bring some subtle beauty to your space. A pretty work desk with drawers will provide extra storage space and some floating shelves are a great way to make use of wall space and really bring your office to life!

floating shelf on top of desk for work and home office
floating shelf with plants and framed photos

2. Add a rug for color and comfort

clean minimalist home office decor ideas with fluffy carpet

Adding a beautiful fluffy, soft or shaggy rug or carpet to your office will give it a burst of colour and texture! It can also bring underfoot comfort while adding an inviting warmth to the room. It’s a statement piece that will transform your room no matter how big or small. 

Also, make sure to choose something durable as office chairs and rolling workstations can cause wear and tear if you’re not careful!

3. Give yourself enough desk room

If you’ve got the means for a bigger desk then go for it. It’s super helpful to have more space if you’re working with a bigger work load.

Check out these L shaped desk which offer more than enough space.

big L shaped table desk with storage

4. A coffee machine wouldn't hurt

Coffee? Yes please! Complete your office with a simple coffee machine or station so you can have everything in one place rather than going back and forth to the kitchen.

5. Add a book shelf

If you want to add a little extra productivity to your office, a mini book shelf is just the thing. Fill it up with books of interest or books that support your work needs to stimulate your mind and inspire creativity.

6. Consider a chill out space

beautiful chill out space zen space mindful space in corner of room

Credit: Camillestyles

Work is important but taking a break is just as essential. Have a inviting decorative corner in your office dedicated to taking breaks to help you relax and recharge every so often to keep you focused and refreshed. A sofa or funky bean bag will do the trick nicely!

25 Examples of designs and decorating work office ideas

In need of a little more inspiration? Take a look at these beautiful home office decor designs from Pinterest to help your own office decorating take shape!

boho home office decor design
minimalistic boho home office decor design
boho scandi home office decor design. decorating ideas for work office. decorating office work ideas
boho home office decor design
work office decorating ideas. Home office decorating ideas for work office
simple home office decor design
boho home office decor design
neutral home office decor design
home office decor design
home office decor design
home office decor design
home office decor design
clean, simple and minimalistic home office decor design
home office decor design
beautiful basement home office decor design
black and white home office decor design
botanical plant home office decor design
boho home office decor design
chis and feminine attic home office decor design
black and white home office decor design
clean boho home office decor design
olden style home office decor design
home office decor design

Did you find these work office decorating ideas inspiring? Will you be adding any of them to your work space? Let me know in the comments below.

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